THE RACKET : PLAYLIST 37 - Protect sunshine.

THE RACKET : PLAYLIST 37 - Protect sunshine.

Seasons are nice. We like seasons. But The Playlist is never intended to be a seasonal production. Yet, here we are dropping a Spring time collection of tunes directly into your earbuds.

It’s not that we think our 37th Playlist–Protect Sunshine–perfectly embodies the beauty of a spring day, not at all. More that there’s a certain blooming quality–slow and steady, bright and beautiful, somber and momentary–to the songs that populate this playlist that just makes us think of this particularly fecund time of year.

We hope it pulls you into an exterior frame of mind for a bit, splashes some sunshine on the aural aspects of your brain before pulling you back down into the quiet hush of a windy afternoon.

THE RACKET : PLAYLIST 38 - Abstract Summer

THE RACKET : PLAYLIST 38 - Abstract Summer

THE RACKET : PLAYLIST 36 - Easin' in.

THE RACKET : PLAYLIST 36 - Easin' in.